My ministry of cooking, canning, growing, and sharing!

My ministry of cooking, canning, growing, and sharing!

Three years ago we bought a small farm with ten acres. The property had a mucky creek on the South side that was covered in raspberry brambles and poison ivy. The back six acres were so overgrown that I couldn't make it half way through the first pasture. There was mud, 10 foot tall weeds, about ten million ground hogs, and a house with "fabulous" 80's wall paper on EVERY surface. I looked at this property and my mind was spinning with possibilities of what I could grow, raise, and even forage off this little plot of land. My husbands mind, who was standing in nearly the exact same spot, was spinning with the thought of how much work he had ahead of him.

From my Farm to my Kitchen is a way for me to share my stories, recipes, failures, and successes. It is a way for me to tell you how sharing with others has opened the flood gates for abundant blessings, new friendships, and great lessons.

We have fought to "take back" parts of our property that had been swallowed by willows and scrub trees. My husband has suffered the wrath of the evil wood emperor, Sir Poison Ivy and our five children have worked tirelessly to help with chores like, "go get Mommy some basil" or I KNOW there's a Morel out there, GO FIND IT!

Please enjoy this glorious adventure with our family. Learn the lessons that I stumbled over, take the great recipes that I share and leave the miserable ones. I am hoping to write each day but you never know if the kitchen or the laundry monster will get me!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tears on her pillow

So my oldest daughter came home after a rough day at work.  She was exhausted, frustrated, and hungry.  She often works too hard and doesn't eat which leads to tears and I HATE to see her cry.

I sent her to her room (She's 22) and told her I would make her a cup of tea and something to eat.  I just want everyone to know that I love her THIS MUCH!!!

Braised pork from two nights earlier. I covered it in mashed potatoes and fried onions and popped it in the toaster oven to crisp while I sliced up the avocado and Piave. I served it with a small grilled cheese (Herbed Havarti) The sandwich on the end was corned beef, roast beef, smoked liver sausage, cheese, and 3 quail eggs. The bread is a lovely whole wheat, honey loaf that a friend of mine brings every time she picks up milk. I couldn't find a tray so I took it to her room on a cutting board.

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